Money Magic!

Money Magic!

Sale Price:$97.00 Original Price:$222.00

MONEY MAGIC is designed to shift that money energy once and for all. No more hiding. No more excuses babe. It’s time! You deserve abundance.

In MONEY MAGIC you will be going through my proven Abundance for Empaths workbook TOGETHER with a group in this two part 5 hour video replay (yay accountability and community!) and doing new exercises to quantum leap your money energy the very day you start. Yup, that very day and honestly guaranteed (not legally though cause ya know, lawyers…but also yes really it CAN shift that quickly, I see it all the time when people finally commit).

In MONEY MAGIC you will receive:

  • The Abundance for Empaths 21 Day Workbook

  • The Abundance Activation Meditation

  • 5 Hours of Jam Packed Abundance + Quantum Level Money Shift Exercises

  • An Exclusive Offer to past Blueprint Sessions on Money, Life Purpose, + Manifestation

My dream goal and desire is for all Empaths to feel abundant beyond belief with Wealth Consciousness and Money Magic off the charts! It’s time for you to change the world. It’s time for you to take back your money power and live your life with the joy, freedom, and abundance you so deserve!

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Ready to break those old money habits, fear, and worries once and for all and learn how to manifest money like CRRRAZY??

Oh YAY!!! I’m ready for you too!!

Money is such a suck in our current paradigm. I have worked with hundreds of clients and what does every single one have in common? Money fears! In our modern world money is made to be “the root of all evil”—what f*ckin bullshit! Money is POWERFUL! It is an energy obviously highly in demand in our world so don’t you think this powerful energy could change the world in the hands of the right people?? But do you know who is the most scared of money?? The RIGHT people. Look I have worked with clients who make very little a week to 7 figures and what do they both experience, what have they both had to push past to grow and find more joy? Money fears. Money wounds.

As an 8 Life Path, Money has been hands down one of my most important teachers and guides in my own Soul (Re)Discovery process. I have had literally quarters I had to scrounge for in my car to making 5 figures in one DAY. But you know what influenced my experience with all of this? You know what got me out of my money woes and into my money flow? Abundance. You see money is not some scary, nebulous “where does it come from??” thing…money is FUN! Money is freedom. Money is space. Money is the ability to change your life at a moment’s notice. Money is the ability to donate to the cause of your choice. Money is influence. Money is Magic. Money is lifechanging…not just for you, but for all the people you love. Money is NOT the “root of all evil” (again, excuse me while I throw up). Money amplifies energy.

So if you have a kind heart and a mission and purpose to change the world Money is an excellent way to amplify this. So let’s do the work, yeah?? And let’s make it fun! Let’s quantum leap and shift alllll over this!

You deserve this!

The Human Design Beginner Bundle (All 3 Classes)

The Human Design Beginner Bundle (All 3 Classes)
