“Katherine is the sort of person that I wish everyone could be: open-minded, passionate as hell, endlessly curious, earnest, kind-hearted, incredibly wise, clever and incisive, and warm and inviting. At the very, very least, I wish everyone could have a mentor like Katherine. Her guidance has changed my life in so many profound and far-reaching ways. I never leave a session feeling like a sounding board. I feel authentic connection and acceptance and that is the foundation of how I am learning to reconnect with myself and accept myself. I have tears in my eyes just writing about this because there was a time where I never thought I would get to where I am now: learning to love myself and trust that I can take care of myself, being at peace with the universe, and receiving the gift and miracle of life fully, without allowing doubt, fear, and shame dominion over me. Katherine is a light, true to her name. If you’re not enjoying your life the way you want to be, you lose absolutely nothing by taking this opportunity to rediscover your unique purpose and worth, and you have all the love in the universe to gain.”
— Markéta, Prague, Czech Republic
“Katherine has angelic qualities! I loved working with her and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to discover how my Chiron return was impacting me and how to navigate this period in my life. I found her guidance invaluable and her wisdom SO comforting. It created so much clarity and was deeply healing. I recommend you work with her so you can know where you are at and receive the special wisdom she has to share. She opened up some beautiful energy for me and told me some very exciting things about my financial future - like huge! I’m so glad to have her wisdom and support in my world, I feel blessed to have found her. If you want to open up some VERY BIG DREAMS and have them come to life, Katherine is the woman for you. I recommend her endlessly. She is authentic, beautiful, and SUCH a blessing. You will LOVE working with her.”
— Rebecca, New Zealand
“Katherine has been doing sessions with me now for 3 months and I honestly can say my life has changed so much so quickly. Her sessions have helped me clear up some issues from the past that I didn’t even realize were affecting me today. I’ve been overcoming fears that I have one by one. I highly recommend her sessions to anyone she has a very special gift.”
— Sue, Massachusetts
“Katherine Wehler is a powerhouse and a delight to work with. She has a beautiful story behind why she helps others and makes it easy and comfortable to find yourself through working with her. She takes on your fears and turns the energy around to empower you and help you connect to your fullest self. Her excitement about her clients potential that she connects with is contagious. My favorite part of her practice are her guided meditations. They are in depth, peaceful and rejuvenating. Normally my mind doesn’t relax during meditation but hers really let you create a world that make you feel safe and fully immersed. By working with Katherine you will gain confidence and become more in touch with how to follow your life path to thrive with ease.”
— Camara, California, MentaliTea
“My session with Katherine literally changed how I view the world around me. She opened my energy in a way that I didn’t know I could open up. She connected to and grounded me and helped me see where the universe is sending me for my changing career. I use practices she taught me weekly for guiding myself and grounding my chaotic energy. Anyone could benefit from having a session with her!”
— Kathleen, Texas
“Just finished my third session with this truly amazing gifted woman!!! Katherine Wehler!! Life changing, empowering, and truly beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of. Thank you beautiful soul for jump starting me on this new journey in my life! I am so excited and grateful for you!!”
— Sian, California
“I have to tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed our session Friday night, you left me with the best energy. I look forward to continuing this experience and falling more into my higher purpose. Our conversation was the most organic experience I’ve ever been a part of, I am so blessed that our paths crossed. The universe is wonderful.”
— Caroline, Louisiana
“Having my session was an absolutely amazing experience! I’m so glad I paid for this! Katherine helped reveal my subconscious to me, which has helped me figure out what I want and why I want it, and in the end, I found love and acceptance for myself. It’s an amazing feeling and I want to share it with the world. I can’t wait for my next session!”
— Nat, California
“Woke up feeling grounded and at peace with my well-being after having a magnificent session with Katherine. I highly recommend working with Katherine not only is she highly knowledgeable in topics such as astrology, human design, past life/Akashic records but has a abundance of love to give. The amount of detail given within her sessions are so worth it all!! We only spent 2 hours talking and we barely touched the surface of things. Thank you, again doll and I’m looking forward to doing your programs next!!”