1:1 coaching


join Katherine for a special 3 month 1:1 PACKAGE for FALL 2024

Autumn 2024 is the season of metamorphosis. We are now FIRMLY in our chrysalis stage as a collective and individuals. By the end of 2024 Pluto will officially only be in Aquarius for the next 20 years and we will be well off on the next leg of our New Paradigm journey!

That’s where this special 1:1 series comes in. It’s not just a pivot or even a rebirth you are experiencing right now. It’s not pyrotechnics burn it to the ground or even death: it’s just the New Paradigm version of you emerging! And that also may feel like what’s tricky, this is a different ballgame than any other times in our life. We have left alchemy school of add this together plus this and you get XYZ outcome and entered improv territory of “new choice! try something different! yes, and?”

And you’re especially sensitive to it because you’re not just any business owner, CEO, or leader you’re a New Paradigm one! So naturally you are ahead of the curve, you’re feeling the tides of change already and just needing SPACE held to become the evolved butterfly next chapter of you. Not a coach barking orders or telling you what to do or MAKING you build anything. The interesting part? Maybe this evolution is happening directly to your business, or maybe it’s happening because of a shift in home and family dynamics, travel, your 1:1 partner, or other areas of life not directly related!

That’s the piece that may have you asking GUS for “a little guidance here.”

Hi, it’s me. I’m that guide. My 1:1 energy is what I have channeled and like to refer to as “the Cosmic Womb.” This is what I DO. And always have done but it’s time for a leader at your level to trust this magic carpet ride. That ultra luxe, fits like a glove, feels like breathing and flying no limitations golden palace you’re dreaming of stepping into? That’s the New Paradigm identity baby and there’s nothing I love more than holding a container where you get to FULLY explore it in your own unique way in a bespoke, high touch, high caliber package tailored to you.

You’re not just entering MY penthouse like in the Old Paradigm, you’re entering your OWN palace. Ready?


What is it like to work with Katherine? Listen to powerhouse, multiple 6 figure earner, and New Paradigm pioneer Gemma Benad on what her process was like over their 6 months together.

1:1 coaching includes

1 90 minute 1:1 a month

Live with me over Zoom with the option to record. This is where we explore all of your astrology, human design goodness in real time, portal into the akashic records, channel, look at copy, messaging, marketing, talk through decisions and structure offers you name it! You have all of my tools, experience working with all kinds of people in all kinds of manifestation journeys, businesses etc. and my full attention to just hold space for you as a new paradigm leader. I tailor all of my coaching to you, your personality, business model, and natural pace and flow so you never feel unnaturally forced or pushed and instead things just flow in a customized way.


A uniquely channeled Soul Tone Frequency

A channeled audio just for you with toning and messages to listen to throughout the duration of your package and beyond. Designed to realign your soul grid and restore anything that is out of alignment while bringing in what is, the Soul Tone Frequency is a fan favorite tool for my clients. (This is different than a Wealth Tone Frequency, you can have both). I (as a professionally trained singer and lifelong channel) channel tones, messages, all kinds of things within a 10-15 minute audio and you can listen while you go to sleep, walk, dance, whatever you like. One client described it as “answers everything.” Another said it felt like the scene in Peter Pan where Wendy sews Peter’s shadow back to him. Mega powerful!


unlimited voxer coaching m-f

Send a message any time to receive coaching and guidance in real time between each 1:1 session because I LIVE for all the in between sessions stuff! Voxer is my happy place and I like to be able to be there in real time for you to help clarify things, solve problems, answer questions, bounce ideas off of, and hold space by listening.

Are you Ready for your next big THING? 2024 IS THE PERFECT TIME TO EXPLORE IT!


Meet your Guide,

Katherine Wehler

Katherine Wehler is an Activation + Ascension Guide, New Paradigm Business Coach, and Host of the Soul (Re)Discovery Podcast.

She is committed to guiding New Paradigm Leaders in creating and truly anchoring in Heaven on Earth. Katherine uses her 20+ years as an Astrologer, Human Design skills, and access to the Akashic Records to help her High Caliber heart-centered clients create a lasting impact and legacy of love, majorly increase client attraction and money manifestation, and overall build a life based on love, joy, freedom, and abundance. Born with Soul Blueprints focused on helping humanity shift into the highest timeline possible, Katherine is deeply passionate about business being not just another career but an important platform for Global Transformation and Ascended Consciousness.


Success Stories + Soul Alignment Magic