
Wisdom is Simple, NEW PARADIGM Business is Simple.

It’s time to glide up to the top where you belong cheered on by all who love you, already inspiring the next visionary leader to do the same.

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Are you ready to take your business to the next level in the New Paradigm way of freedom, alignment, ease, bliss, prosperity, and joy (basically ALL the good things!)?

Have you been looking for an extremely high frequency group of leaders and Soul Led Business Owners to connect and share inspiration with from across the world?

Are you looking for a coach to guide you in leading yourself to the business and life of your wildest dreams with flowing client attraction, aligned income, and life changing impact

Do you want to do all of this in the most FUN, simple, and joy-filled way possible?

Then you’re in the right place, babe!


The NEW PARADIGM CEO is a Business Mastermind for the Heart-Centered Leader ready to leave behind COOKIE CUTTER old paradigm BUSINESS and + make an impact THROUGH AUTHENTICITY, innovation, AND inspired action. 


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the world is rapidly changing, business is evolving and able to be more prosperous, impactful, and fun than ever when you know what to do, and that what is guiding this is a new era of leaders committed to TRULY and tangibly anchoring Heaven on Earth.

New Paradigm business is 98% energetic alignment, 2% actual systems and effort—how incredible to be living in such a time, right?

The New Paradigm is just on the horizon SO are you being called to lead it? 

If you’re in my world and resonating with me and my way of approaching business whether you know it consciously or not probably so! 

And why wouldn’t you be? 

The New Paradigm is EXCITING AF!!!!

Literally THE hallmark event of our lifetimes.

And if you’re unfamiliar with this terminology before you start thinking it’s some alien thing and requires you to be some weird chromed-out, half-robot version of yourself I’m gonna stop you right there (only because this is how I felt when reading the term for the first time so I know it’s a common reaction).

Because the New Paradigm is anything BUT robot, even with technology advancing more rapidly than ever, it’s deeply deeply human. 

(Read more about it and the vision (and now reality for 2 years) for the mastermind in depth here.)

This ain’t your mama’s Old Paradigm mastermind and it’s also not a COOKIE-CUTTER “spiritual” business group. 

As Salt n Pepa say “This dance ain't for everybody, Only the sexy people”

This mastermind is designed to support the visionary leader who has always felt called to be BIG this life.

(Even if sometimes you resist it or don’t know how it will happen.)

It’s designed for the leader who wants to use high frequency energy like the wisdom of Astrology, Human Design, and the Akashic Records coupled with business strategy, simple systems, and actual implementation. This is for the leader READY to make a difference for generations to come and show up as a New Paradigm CEO in the most joyful, easeful way possible.

If you’re saying “THAT’S ME! I’VE BEEN DREAMING OF THIS—IT’S REAL?!” then you are ENTHUSIASTICALLY invited to join in on this party!

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What’s included


Monthly Q+A CALLS

“Love”-Seat Calls for Business

$20,000 Value


A Live Full + New Moon Ceremony Monthly

$10,000 value


A library of bonus calls, trainings, and exclusive content to boost business

$15,000 value


A Private Forum


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Success Stories + quantum business magic




Join the NEW PARADIGM CEO Mastermind




$597 6 Monthly Payments

$3,000 One Time Payment


Monthly Q+A “Love”-Seat Calls

A Live Full + New Moon Ceremony Monthly

A library of bonus calls, trainings, and exclusive content to align your business

A Private Members Only Voxer Forum

A library of channeled Activation Meditations 

Exclusive offers on courses + products

Weekly 1:1 Office Hours via Voxer Mondays PDT

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$997 6 Monthly Payments

$5555 One Time Payment


Monthly Q+A “Love”-Seat Calls

A Live Full + New Moon Ceremony Monthly

A library of bonus calls, trainings, and exclusive content to align your business

A Private Members Only Voxer Forum

A library of channeled Activation Meditations 

Exclusive offers on courses + products

As well as…..

Unlimited 1:1 Voxer Monday-Friday

Quarterly Personal 60 Minute 1:1

A uniquely channeled Soul Tone Frequency


Meet your Coach 

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An Activation + Ascension Guide, Conscious Business Coach, and Host of the Soul (Re)Discovery Podcast, Katherine is committed to guiding New Paradigm Leaders in creating and truly anchoring in real time Heaven on Earth. She uses her 20+ years as an Astrologer, Human Design skills, and access to the Akashic Records to help her High Caliber clients create a lasting impact and legacy of love, majorly increase client attraction and money manifestation, and overall build a life based on love, joy, freedom, and abundance. Born with Soul Blueprints focused on helping humanity shift into the highest timeline possible, Katherine is deeply passionate about business being not just another career but an important platform for Global Transformation and Ascended Consciousness. 

When you work with Katherine you are not only working with her and her business experience and expertise you are working with a team and support of universal Ascended Masters and Guides of the Highest Frequency as well as a Source Energy/Cosmic Womb of Pure Creation + Love.


the in depth vision for the mastermind

The New Paradigm is human but it’s human in a NEW way.

Less “new earth” and more NEW earth. We’re not going anywhere in a “beam me up scotty” style, we are establishing heaven ON earth. Down here on earth. In very tangible, real ways. A world that allows for differences to thrive, for creativity to be our highest currency. A world that is more equitable, diverse, fair and just. A world that celebrates what makes you unique rather than grinding down that sparkle. A world that is founded and built on joy and pleasure instead of trauma and pain. A world where being a human no longer means suffering.

Before even learning about the New Paradigm as a term and how NOT alien it is these were always core values of mine. As a Libra moon, my heart has always beat for a world that is beautiful for ALL people, where all people are welcomed and celebrated including, but not limited to, you and those you love. As I studied this more extensively and understood the progressive Aquarius aspects of it better I became even MORE fascinated and enamored by this concept.

A redefinition of leadership, a redefinition of business, a freeing from all those things we find ourselves secretly or not so secretly complaining about that are outdated systems that just do. not. work.

And so this is not only why I’m jazzed on the New Paradigm and why I’m sure you are now too but ALSO why I get so excited about building it with my personal community—the way we have been for years mind you. This mastermind has now existed since 2021 and even before it was official groups I led and was a part of were having these conversations.

So that’s where the New Paradigm CEO Mastermind was born from. Like a modern-day salon (the philosophical kind but also since my client is so Venusian coded often the beauty shop kind too lol!) for innovative non-cookie cutter leaders to come together and inspire one another. To contribute to one another. To spark new ideas, new conversations, and new thoughts instead of clinging on to the old dying ones like I was finding in other containers.

I was looking for a TRUE mastermind just like this for myself, not just a coach leading a group in his/her/their own thoughts. and when I couldn’t find one in true Aries (and New Paradigm Leader!) fashion I just decided to make it up, play around, and create one myself!

And can I tell you it has been a WILD success and ride already! Since this mastermind was founded in 2021 we have had all sorts of conversations around being a leader, creating heaven on earth, the causes we care about, doing things for the fun of it, business being a portal, creation, innovation, and more!

Because what is SOOOO cool to me about the New Paradigm is that New Paradigm Leaders have ALWAYS been the most successful even if they were also the most ostracized at first—it’s the ostracization that’s now coming to an end and lucky us we get to live in an era where EVERYONE gets to be a new paradigm leader. My community and I are just a few steps ahead leading the way! 

Because New Paradigm Leaders have ALWAYS influenced culture and society it’s just becoming more blatantly obvious and faster now as we evolve at rapid speeds. 

Leonardo Da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Madame CJ Walker, Dolly Parton, Walt Disney, Nikola Tesla, Jane Goodall, Steve Jobs, Sara Blakely, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Britney Spears, Maya Angelou, Selena Quintanilla, Brene Brown, Beyonce, TAYLOR SWIFT?! All New Paradigm Leaders! All rule breakers, all innovators, all visionaries, all people who were told they were wrong for being who they are and doing what they do but now are remembered as some of the greatest most influential people of all time.

YOU belong on that list TOO.

And listen…

1) I know you already know it

2) I know part of that feels really BIG and has your whole life to you, and

3) I went through the same feelings because my BIG thing in this life is to hold YOUR big energy lol so I understand the fears, hesitations, reframes, and more that come up around this conversation better than the average bear.

So how does this all come together in what from the jump I channeled as “one big party filled with amazing glitter and sparkles” ?? 

In this container at least a multidimensional and pronged approach: 

What I bring to the table with my own leadership and experience:

I have been an Astrologer now for over 20 years, a Human Design coach for over 5, and a channel of pretty much everything (past lives, the future psychically, ascended masters, angels, galactic teams, etc) without ever having asked for it my WHOLE life. I have also been in business for over 6 years and coached businesses of all kinds from beginners to multi 8 figure earners, brick and mortar to online, corporate to solopreneur. I know a thing or two about business. But I’m not interested in coaching Old Paradigm Business. So yes while there are materials in this mastermind to help with the structure of your business that is not the primary focus. The focus is on YOU as the CEO. And that’s where my personal gifts come in from Q and As, to trainings, to moon ceremonies to give you something tangible to chew on and contemplate as you create and facilitate your own conversations around business and life decisions, including structural components.

A personalized quality experience and living, breathing container:

This is not a vanity container. Meaning I personally DO NOT care how many people join, or participate live, or how you use it. We’re all adults here and my client is so beyond intelligent so I’m not even gonna waste my breath on that. You don’t show up for me you show up for YOU and that’s the exciting piece. Sometimes the container is 3 people and we’re having DEEP very personal conversations, sometimes it is 20 people and we’re having more overarching ones. but I’ve learned more is not more. It’s all about the QUALITY. It’s all helpful, it’s all good. This is a living breathing container and whoever is in it at any given time is exactly who is supposed to be, it’s your own energy that guides it and dictates what we talk about and when as I personally hold space and guide the group through the tools of Astrology, Human Design, and the Akashic records/channeling.

A true mastermind party approach:

This is one big potluck and a TRUE mastermind. If you’ve read Think and Grow Rich you already know the value of a mastermind. The true value. It’s not to copy a coach or learn from a coach it’s to coach and hold space for each other, it’s to network (in the non-icky way—see what I mean by redefining things??). It’s to bring your individual dish to the potluck for everyone to sample and to sample everyone else’s. It’s coalition wealth-building. It’s ancient community-building practices and even ancient leadership practices. It’s the joy of connecting with and being activated by a diverse group of similar high-frequency people who care about their lives, businesses, and the world as much as you do. Who want to have fun the way you do! And want to have conversations you’re also dying to have. See? It’s a party AY!

Different resources and tools for growth:

While the group is about the group first and foremost, as the creator of this container I guide the conversations. We have hour-long moon ceremonies twice a month and one 2 hour Q and A (I swear that may seem long but it flies by every time!). In addition to this, I release regular trainings around using Astrology and Human Design for business, managing your business like a New Paradigm CEO, and we even have guests coach around things like what your most iconic outfits look like, more Human Design (lol), ancestral breathwork, and inner child healing. I’m connected to likeeee EVERYONE (as a 4/6 Manifesting Generator) and love connecting others so not only will you have the opportunity to lead the group in your own work if you choose to you’ll also have my expertise, the expertise of all the members, and the expertise of my guest hosts. But also even if you were to JUST join the container to learn how to use Astrology and Human Design to improve your life and business from my trainings alone I feel like you would be extremely satisfied.

Group and 1:1 support:

And finally in addition to the group Voxer forum (which I promise doesn’t blow up your phone with nonsense) some 1:1 attention with me that varies depending on the tier you choose but is always there because I know that hybrid is where it’s at and sometimes you want to get a little more intimate—and I like to too as I care deeply about not just the group but each member individually.

A priceless vault:

And if allll that wasn’t enough the entire VAULT of the mastermind for the last 2 years with all the calls we’ve ever had and trainings I’ve ever done you can download and peruse at your own leisure. 

As I channeled when I first founded this mastermind originally as the Golden Rose “This is not your mama’s mastermind it’s a NEW PARADIGM mastermind” and as Salt n Pepa put it so eloquently “It’s only for the sexy people.”

So are you part of the New Paradigm CEO sexy people??

if you read all this or you’ve already decided to sign up and you’re anything like me going “Great where’s the damn checkout link?!” then yeah I’d say so! 

Honestly? Don’t overthink it too much. This is a vibe you either feel or you don’t. And I don’t mean that in a manipulative marketing way, I mean that in this truly a vibration, a frequency, a heart song. 

And the people meant to pass through this container hear it and recognize it and get excited by it.

Cause again not to toot my own horn but like this is SO SEXY! haha and I just don’t do bullshit. I ensure everything I ever create is excellent, needle-moving, and unlike anything else you’ve ever participated in.

So if it’s for you WELCOME and omggggg i can’t WAIT to create some magic and have some fun and anchor in some

New Paradigm legacies like “What like it’s hard?” together! 

And if it helps you to know, every single person who has EVER passed through this mastermind in the last 2 years has had nothing but glowing things to say about their experience. 

And again that’s not a reflection on me or my big ass galactic/ascended etc guidance team, besides being creators and space holders, that’s a reflection on YOU and all the incredible energy each person brings to the table and the way it evolves the container.

And honestly? It’s deeply humbling, rewarding, and exciting for me to be on this frontier, this cutting edge, in the most just naturally us way possible not TRYING to be or do anything special but just being special organically.

As an adorable Italian New Paradigm Leader once said “We are the choose ones.”

The chosen ones, but only because we know every person on earth is. We just happen to be a few steps ahead consciously and called to lead that knowing and leave that legacy

Because we’re, say it with me now…

new paradigm ceos 

You never fully fit in (try as you might) because you were ALWAYS born to stand out 

The only difference in this lifetime is we don’t have to do it alone. 

We GET to do it together!

And how beautiful, reassuring, and inherently New Paradigm is that?


 Ready to Leap into your new paradigm Next Level and Highest Business Alignment?

Join the party!


PS. It is my Highest Calling and intention to activate and connect Compound Leaders across the globe so if you have friends and loved ones who would be a good fit for The New Paradigm CEO you are encouraged to forward this invitation to them so they can experience the benefit and quantum shifts alongside you. Rising to the top in the New Paradigm way is so much more fun together!

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