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Today we welcome Sandra Mayeux in a discussion on witches and the witch wound we hold both collectively and individually. Sandra is a women's empowerment coach and energy healer who focuses on helping women learn to love and accept themselves and get in touch with their sexual and divine feminine energy so that they can experience all the passion, pleasure and joy they desire. She has been an Usui Reiki Master for over 25 years and is an advanced Sacred Soul Alignment practitioner and an advanced Energetic Allergy Healing practitioner. Sandra also has her own modality called Empowered Goddesses. She works with Goddess energy and helps women connect with their divine feminine nature in order to heal trauma and embrace their feminine empowerment. Her main focuses are womb healing, sexuality, and connecting with your inner divinity/inner goddess. In this episode we discuss the history and lineage of the witch, the significance of the witch wound and what a powerful time it is right now to heal it, and we also do a few activations to help with the process of reclaiming and waking up your inner witch and goddess.

Katherine Wehler