Simone and The Pursuit of Transcendence


In today's episode, we meet SIMONE! Simone and I met over a year ago in a business mastermind group and she immediately stood out to me. We instantly clicked and connected. We have so many parallels to our stories, everybody who meets her just adores her, and I could not be more thrilled and honored to introduce her to you all! Join us today to discuss when Simone first discovered her gifts and how she grew to integrate them into her life.

Simone is an old soul who has done Lightwork over many lifetimes. She has left several successful careers as an Editor-in-Chief, Stunt Actress, Managing Director, and Educator to answer to the call of Spirit and pursue her dreams, her calling, and her mission. She is not only a traveler on our beautiful Earth, but also an astral traveler who is able to access multi-dimensional realms beyond our physical reality.

Simone created Indigo Sand as a space for lightworkers, healers, and all spiritual visionaries on this path to come together as a conscious community of Light. Here, we share our wisdoms, co-create, and journey together. She is a natural Light Leader, Quantum Healer, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Guide, Ascension Mentor, and New Earth Visionary. She assists in the raising of collective consciousness for our planet to bring in the vision of Sacred New Earth, where we live in communities of light, love, harmony, and peace.

Katherine Wehler